Exhibition "From the point of view of intelligence officers”

Today, a small exhibition of Anna Kuzmak's creative works opened in our gallery. The author presented a series of paintings "From the point of view of intelligence officers”. These paintings are created in a style close to photorealism.

Each canvas was created based on real pictures of aerial intelligence service, so the viewer has a unique opportunity to see what our Defenders see every day. In the lenses of drones - enemy positions and equipment, the beauty of our land, amazing natural phenomena.

Anna Kuzmak (creative pseudonym Anna Mexx ART) is an artist, designer, volunteer. Her husband volunteered for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and she chose the path of a volunteer. Trips to the front were combined with the organization of meetings for the purchase of necessary things for the army.

Every day it became more and more difficult to accumulate funds, so the author tried to raise funds for the Armed Forces with the help of her drawing skills. Casings and shells were used as the first "canvases" which she brought back from trips to the front. Painted artefacts of the war were sold at charity auctions and became prizes for the largest donation.

Paintings can be purchased. All funds from the sale of paintings will be directed to the needs of our Defenders.

Welcome to the exhibition!
